When we first tried renting on our own, we didn't do very well. Prague is full of students and it happened to us that after a few months tenants had a problem with payments. We rent both apartments furnished and the one in Nusle was once flooded by messy tenant. The insurance was done poorly, so we haven't seen a crown from the insurance company to this day. It was a pretty challenging period of spending and worry. One friend then recommended us the Perfect Tenant service. He was in Italy most of the time at that period, so the PT took care of his apartment. At first we entrusted them one flat, then another. The service is really cool. Finally we have peace and even money is sent regularly to our account same day every month. And the lease was a couple of hundred crowns more that we were used to for each flat.They simply know the real estate, when the tenant changes, sometimes they change the price and call us. This is a pleasant surprise :). They try to make the most of the apartment for us, we didn't even count with it. We were positively shocked by the Christmas bonuses! They sent us over 12,000, even though we were not entitled to them. Bonuses have only recently been offered and during the beiginning of our contract, they have not yet been mentioned to us. Thank you very much and we can highly recommend it.
I do not have much time. My work is demanding and I prefer to spend my free time relaxing. For me, the biggest added value of PT is that I don't really have to worry about anything at all. I earn a little more than before, but for me it's really about the time. I get reports that I read every six months and look at the photos - that is the for me. Prior to this service, I had to deal with the washing machine not working, clogged waste, the rent did not come, etc.The PT takes care of everything and in the report I just see what was the problem and how it was solved, which is just great. I admit that I don't even check the rent regularly. I know it is coming in regularly.
My apartment is not a fast-moving one. On one hand it is 3 + kk and on second it is luxuriously equipped. The rental price is therefore quite high. I rented the apartment myself about 3 years. I came across the company "dokonalynajemnik.cz" on the Internet. When I was comparing the previous years when I was renting by myself to the first year of cooperation with this company, I came to a conclusion that I am earning a lot more with them than what I was earning before.
We have 3 apartments, but honestly nobody in the family understands it. We've only got them for about a year. It is a family investment from heritage and we have no great experience with it. When I was searching on the Internet for what and how, I had my head as big as a search balloon. I was relieved when I came across these services. The Perfect Tenant attracted me the most from all companies. They are fine and at the same time serious. One is not afraid to entrust such property to them. In addition, most companies operate only in Prague or Brno, but PT covers most of the Czech Republic. I do not have the possibility of comparison, because I only cooperate with them from the beginning, but I am satisfied. For us, it really is money without worries. They help us with tax returns - just great. My friend has also started working with them.
On the Dokonaly najemnik I most appreciate the certainty that the apartment is well cared for. The apartment we rent through them is already older and sometimes some repair is needed. They will always ensure us that the problem is taken care of, make sure that the sub-tenant will agree on everything and I will learn about the situation and the way of the completed solution only from a regular email that comes to me once in a while. The money comes in regularly and in the agreed amount, which seems to me really good for Liberec. I am satisfied.
Jsme stabilní česká společnost, o kterou se můžete opřít.
Kromě toho disponujeme zázemím naší realitní skupiny a strategickými partnerstvími.
Jsme hrdým členem realitní skupiny ATS Capital. Tvoříme inovativní projekty 21. století a měníme s nimi realitní trh v České republice!
Naše realitní agentura 21. století, která nad konkurencí vyniká zejména moderním a inovativním přístupem.
Celé naše portfolio a podnájemníky chrání kromě naší služby i kvalitní a funkční pojištění od našeho partnera, Direct pojišťovny.
EDIFICE construction & consulting je zkušená developerská společnost zaměřující se nejen na pražskou výstavbu, ale i na další regiony. Do jejich portfolia patří kromě jiného projekty Bydlení na Krejcárku a Poděbradská 52. Pro společnost a její klienty zajišťuje správu pronájmů.
Společnost CRESCON patří mezi přední developerské společnosti zaměřující se na projekty ve vysokém standardu. Na kontě mají desítky výjimečných projektů, například Aldrov Apartments & Resort a Park Rokytka. Spolupracujeme na poli správy jejich portfolia i při péči o jednotky klientů.
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